
Patchwerk Am Gluttony?

World of Warcraft boasts hundreds of cultural references, if not more.  There isn’t a town in the game that doesn’t have at least one reference to something fictitious or non (Olivia Newton John are the three bankers in Stormwind).  Some are blatantly obvious (Lario and Muigi in Un’Goro Crater), and some require a bit of obscure knowledge.  But through all of it, there’s one thing I can’t seem to find any reference of in Azeroth: The Seven Deadly Sins

It’s surprising, to be honest.  The closest reference is The Seven in Blackrock Depths, but they’re more likely referring to Snow White & The Seven Dwarfs.  In coming to this discovery I debated on how best the Sins could show up in the game, and aspects of each could be interesting.  Still, I think the best scenario would be single raid instance.

  • Lust screams a Succubus type of boss.  Or, at the very least a nasty mind control mechanic on a timer. 
  • Gluttony could be an Abomination of sorts like Patchwerk.  Imagine a debuff where your character feels bloated and could risk “blowing up.”
  • Greed could be just about anything evil in the game…or Goblins and money.  So, either a Goblin boss that’s paid a bunch of goons to protect him and “shake down” the party, or possibly a “summoning” type of fight where someone’s trying to make a deal with a demon and you have to stop them before the demon is summoned and things go oh so horribly wrong.
  • Sloth could refer to another caster type of boss, akin to a Warlock.  Debuffs a-plenty preventing you from using your full talents and abilities to the point where you become too lazy to do anything.
  • Wrath to me screams a Barbarian type.  Could be that this whole raid location is run by one person and he actually hired the aspects of sin to defend it.  As such, this boss would basically be like fighting the incredible Hulk.  The longer it takes, the madder and meaner he gets.
  • Envy is probably the hardest one to picture.  A creature that is nothing more than a spirit and envies the ability of living spirits to find physical hosts?  Perhaps then the boss tries to drain you of your essence so that it may have your body as its own host.
  • Pride.  This could simply be an Eadric the Pure type of character, only with the volume turned up.  The proudest of the proud.  Undefeatable.  He challenges you before you even truly enter the instance.

These are just ideas of how a raid could be based around such a long standing religious belief system.  As always, I’m sure the developers could take the concept so much further, it’s just surprising something like this hasn’t already come to pass.

Come back tomorrow for more Seven Deadly Sin discussion, this time how the game exploits them in each one of us.

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