October Is…

October is Breast Cancer Awareness for those who might not have known.  Here in Canada, more than 20,000 women are diagnosed each year.   I personally know three women who were diagnosed and survived, one of which was my stepmother.  My wife is involved in the annual Run For The Cure locally as well (which was yesterday).  So, around these parts it’s pretty important (and should be everywhere, as far as I’m concerned).

With that in mind, I decided a while ago I wanted to do a little something in-game.  Once I decided on the what, I had to decide on the who.  I’d love to say it was done with careful consideration, but aside from deciding that to me it was important to use a male toon to show my support I can’t really say how I decided on Liouxpold.  But, I did, and aside from the helm (because I don’t know the difference between a Tough Scorpid Helm and a Heavy Scorpid Helm) I finished it just in time for today, October 1st.

Real Men Wear Pink

I’m really pleased with how it turned out and Liouxpold will be sporting it all through October.  For those who want to match the set, I used Ethical Epaulets, Skettis Chestpiece, Brigade Leggings and Boots, Taskmaster’s Loop, and Incendosaur Gloves.  There are actually several options in each slot for mail wearers.  Not sure about the other armor classes.

I’d love to see a few more pink outfits out and about in Azeroth this month.  If you feel a little inspired and do the same, drop a comment below and share a link to the picture.  I’d be more than happy to put a gallery together.  You know what, let’s actually work with that and do something positive at the same time.  If at least ten other people “Pink It Up” across Azeroth this month, I’ll donate 100.00 to the previously mentioned Run For The Cure/local Breast Cancer Awareness.

Get mogging!

35 thoughts on “October Is…

  1. MissusAmateur October 1, 2012 / 12:11 pm

    Oddly enough, I’ve been working on a pink outfit for Claragh. This works out well 😀

    • JD Kenada October 1, 2012 / 12:22 pm

      Nice to see you thought highly of the outfit I designed for her…but in the greater picture, I’ll let it go for now. 😉

  2. Cymre October 1, 2012 / 12:51 pm

    What a great idea! I was going to forgo mogging for the time being since my gear is changing pretty often but I’ll see what I can do 🙂

    • JD Kenada October 1, 2012 / 12:57 pm

      Thanks Cymre. Can’t wait to see what beauty you come up with. 🙂

  3. Matty October 1, 2012 / 4:03 pm

    Great idea JD! I am sure there is still one or one hundred alts hanging around Stormwind who would love to help!

    • JD Kenada October 1, 2012 / 6:49 pm

      Thanks Matty!

  4. kamaliaetalia October 1, 2012 / 9:53 pm

    Hmm, I already have a pink Plate outfit for Kregga, I consider mini-Kam’s current set a “pink” Mail outfit but I’ve got an idea for an even more PINK! outfit that I’ve been meaning to work on, my Rogue already has a full set of Bard’s Leather which is sort-of pink… the only armor type I think I’d have to work a bit to find a set for is Cloth.

    • kamaliaetalia October 1, 2012 / 9:57 pm

      P.S. Liouxpold (whom I always want to nickname “Louie”) looks hawt in pink — his dusky skin sets it off perfectly 😉

      • JD Kenada October 1, 2012 / 10:25 pm

        As characters are supposed to be an extension of self, I’m going to just go ahead and bask in your compliment. 🙂

    • JD Kenada October 1, 2012 / 10:28 pm

      Can’t wait to see what you come up with. Though, yes, I would say you already qualify (so long as one of your toons rocks the outfit this month in-game).

  5. Lorelei October 4, 2012 / 11:18 am

    A very nice initiative. Time to get mogging.

    • JD Kenada October 4, 2012 / 12:11 pm

      Thanks for the kind words, and participation. 🙂

        • JD Kenada October 5, 2012 / 7:01 am

          Love them, especially the Night Elf 🙂

          Thank you for your involvement. To some I don’t think it seems like that big of a deal, but I really appreciate each effort.

  6. Pando October 4, 2012 / 12:21 pm

    i will try to make myself a pink outfit this weekend and make a post. I had my own breast cancer scare last year and this is a great cause! When I get it up I’ll link it here 🙂

    • JD Kenada October 4, 2012 / 12:33 pm

      I’m sorry to hear that it was a scare, but glad that it was just a scare (if that makes any sense). Looking forward to seeing someone else take part. 🙂

  7. incinderella October 4, 2012 / 9:21 pm

    Great post, many thanks of reminding me of this month.
    I am still kinda new to blogging sothis is the first time I react to a post from someone else on my own blog 🙂
    I hope many others will get follow your idea. I was inspired by your post, just like some others by your post, so I made a transmog for a druid. I hope you’ll like it 🙂

    Here is a link to the post : http://iftheshoefitsmogit.blogspot.fi/2012/10/believing-in-pink.html

    • JD Kenada October 4, 2012 / 9:46 pm

      I’m incredibly flattered to have you respond on your own blog, even as a participant.

      I honestly appreciate your participation in this, and the outfit turned out lovely.

  8. Navimie October 5, 2012 / 7:08 am

    I think it’s a lovely idea! However, there isn’t much leather pink out there….

    • JD Kenada October 5, 2012 / 7:47 am

      Not any that pets will drop. 😉

      Thanks for the kind words Navi.

    • JD Kenada October 6, 2012 / 9:48 am

      Well said, as always. Looks great too. *hugs*

    • JD Kenada October 8, 2012 / 5:26 pm

      It still counts. And, it’s very much appreciated.

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