Pitching A Tent

A couple of weeks ago I talked about ways to fix the Professions in WoW.  Since then, a few other ideas have popped in and out of my head elaborating on that.  One in particular I would really love to see implemented, and it would make Leatherworkers quite popular.

Yep, it’s a tent.  First reaction is probably that tents seem kind of pointless, but hear me out.  Leatherworkers would have tents made from Medium Leather, Rugged Leather, Borean Leather, Savage Leather, and the base leather of Mists of Pandaria.  Looking at it closer, you’ll see there’s one for each stage/expansion in WoW except for Rugged Leather.

Breaking it down, it would work like this:

  • Medium Leather Tent: Works for levels 20-49.
  • Rugged Leather Tent: Works for levels 50-70.
  • Borean Leather Tent: Works for levels 70-80.
  • Savage Leather Tent: Works for levels 80-85.
  • ??? Leather Tent: Works for levels 85-90.

The idea, is the tent works like an inn.  Logging out while in a tent would give you rest xp, negating the need to visit a town or return to a city if you’re out questing and they would bind to a character after it was used the first time.  A Leatherworker using a tent would generate an extra 20% rest when using a tent, a nice bonus for making them for self use.

This would have been an even better idea when questing actually took time and we couldn’t fly everywhere in Azeroth, but I still think it’s practical in the current game without being game breaking.  When it comes to WoW, it’s sometimes the little things that people like best.

9 thoughts on “Pitching A Tent

  1. kuroma February 14, 2012 / 7:55 am

    i like that idea but could tailors make hammocks for rested xp?

    • JD Kenada February 14, 2012 / 7:57 am

      Oh wow, I never even thought of that! Also a good idea, though I think with a hammock, it would boost xp while in an inn or tent, as (again with the realistic aspect) I think getting the “rest” requires being protected from the elements. Perhaps the hammock could be a +10% to xp while resting and it could be an heirloom.


  2. kuroma February 14, 2012 / 10:10 am

    no more thoughts for me. exhausted my supply for the year.

    Happy Valentine’s Day to you, Carla, and Stephen.

  3. tomeoftheancient February 14, 2012 / 10:42 am

    That is the best idea! There have been many times I could have really used that. Does Blizzard have a suggestion box? You should tell them about that one!

  4. Erinys February 14, 2012 / 12:45 pm

    Clearly that tent is made of cloth and thus belongs to the tailors :p

    Given that there are so many awesome looking tents in-game, I particularly like the Nightelf/Bloodelf versions (think the Inn at Star’s Rest), it would make sense to allow players to craft their own.

    Would bring a whole new aspect to “camping” someone on a pvp server. Instead of having to make do with a campfire and a romantic picnic basket, you’d be able to build a tent whilst waiting for them to res.

    I hope MoP brings us craftable tents and fishing boats.

  5. kamaliaetalia February 14, 2012 / 2:02 pm

    This is such an excellent idea! It would definitely make Skinning & Leatherworking more interesting again. I only have one LW, and only a few Skinners, because the other professions are so much more useful & interesting to me.
    Perhaps the Tent could grant a 50% rested XP bonus, so that it wouldn’t be quite as good as getting to an inn, but would be better than just logging out in the middle of the world without a Tent? But maybe it would have to be equal to an inn for it to be popular enough. Hmm…

  6. JD Kenada February 14, 2012 / 7:58 pm

    You’re right. Not having it quite as good as an inn would also be a solid option. Here’s a funny story, when WoW was in testing, being rested gave 100% xp bonus and non-rested granted 50%. However, the players didn’t like it at all, so the developers changed it to 200% xp bonus when rested and suddenly it was well received. It’s all interpretation!

    Honestly, I think Tailors are more useful and popular than Leatherworkers at this stage of the game (I mean, come on, Leatherworkers don’t get a mount) so I give them the edge in “deserving” the opportunity to craft. But you’re right it could go either way. As for camping, that’s just mean…but damn funny!

  7. Navimie February 14, 2012 / 9:31 pm

    I LOVE this idea!!! Though I do have to agree with Erinys, that tent is clearly made of cloth. However, they could make a teepee type thing, that’s leather, right? and LMAO @ the camping on a PVP server !!!

    Brilliant post and ideas JD 🙂

  8. Navimie February 14, 2012 / 9:33 pm

    And you’re right. Leatherworkers need a mount. Tailors, alchies, engineers can all make one. They should make a balloon, like a hot air balloon that can take one friend. That would be cool.

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