Error 404

You’ll pardon the title, but I was attempting to come up with some witty way of saying I’m quitting World of Warcraft, but nothing else came to me.

I know there’s probably a range of reaction to this news, especially after I said recently that I wasn’t quitting the game.  In regards to that post, my reasons for resigning from Azeroth at this time have absolutely nothing to do with Guild Wars 2.  If the game came out tomorrow, I still wouldn’t be buying it.

Also, it has nothing to do with anything Blizzard has said or done, nor any in-game drama or such.  From the moment Mists was announced I had no intention of buying the expansion, but I had planned to keep playing the game.  Plain and simple I felt I could’ve continued enjoying the game without buying Catacylsm (in hindsight) and didn’t want to make the same mistake.

So, now to the why of this news that’s out of left field to many, especially if you’re a regular reader and know I’m quite passionate about the game and make no bones of my ability to find enjoyment (or how excited I was to get my Tauren Paladin capped).  Even in game I don’t think I discussed things with my Real ID friends.

First off, I have always lamented parents who use television to babysit their children.  I think it has a big effect on how the world has gotten to where it is in so many negative ways.  Entitlement, lack of values, etc.  I always vowed that would never be me.  Yet every morning my son watches Blues’ Clues or what have you and I sneak on WoW to work on some profs or banking or just whatever I can for that escape.  Sure, I keep tabs on him and still interact with him, but it’s not what it should be and I recognize that.  I have enough to do on the computer as it is, adding in 30-90 minutes of WoW time isn’t fair to him.  That one bugs me a lot.

Now as you might guess, my Azeroth time during the week is often sporadic at best, because while I have made said mistake, I’ve also been pretty good about it.  I’ve tried quite often to limit my self-immersing game time to weekends.  Now, Mrs. Amateur and myself have a pretty large circle of family and friends so often we have things to do on the weekend.  Particularly in February, May, and December.  But, if not, my typical Saturday right now is get up around 7:30-8:00 so that I can be at work for 8:45.  I get home around noon, possibly run some errands, and spend time with my son.  Occasionally we’ll curl up on the couch and watch a movie during his nap time, because quite frankly I miss the days he used to fall asleep on my chest.  If not, I do housework.  Mrs. or myself will make dinner and then I’ll do more housework until 9 or 10 o’clock.  In most cases, the last thing I want to even do at that point is log into WoW and have to pay attention.

Sunday morning used to be some WoW time, but again, it goes back to the situation with my son and television (Sundays are Mrs. Amateur’s sleep in day).  So I try to immerse myself with him while taking care of any housework I didn’t get done the day before (it’s tricky, some things he’s helpful and others he’s hindering).  That usually leaves time to go to the park and hopefully actually do some housework I want to get done rather than just what needs to be done.

The short solution I’m sure is to do this during the week, but it’s myself and the boy from 7am to 1pm and then I go to work.  So I focus more on cleaning up after him and kind of picking at the housework a little bit here and there just so I have somewhat less to do come the weekend.

I’ve tried to selfishly take the time for myself to play World of Warcraft as a reward or a break or whatever you want to call it, but then I just end up looking at everything for that much more.  Sometimes I get frustrated while taking care of things because I’d rather be in Azeroth.  It gets to the point of animosity, but I’m a person who sees what needs to be done and just does it.  Often, regardless of what I’d rather be doing because that’s just how I’m wired.

This isn’t a decision I came to lightly, and it isn’t something I came to without trying other options first.  But the fact is, it’s something I have honestly come to realize…and I’m ok with it.  That’s probably surprising, but I watched a DVD today and the person it was focused on said “it’s actually easier to deal with it when you’re not given the chance to make the decision.”  To me, there is no decision or choice process.  I recognize this is what I need to do in my life right now and my reasons can only result in positives.  Will I miss the friends in-game?  Absolutely, and hopefully the ones I don’t already interact with outside of WoW will make the effort to at least check in around here or in e-mail.

Ah, yes. Here.  I’m sure some are wondering what the fate of AA will be and rest assured it continues on in all its…um…glory?  I said it before and I’ll say it again: this blog is a great outlet for me and I’ve become connected with so many absolutely amazing people as a result that I’m not about to just walk away.  Plus, I’m still passionate about the game, the lore, transmog (free trial account runs MogIt just fine!).  I’m not going to stop writing just because I’ve stopped playing.  Heck, I’ve proven a few times during the annals of my words that I can maintain a solid column without actually playing.  This won’t be any different.

In closing, I know this goes against a lot of what I’ve talked about and topics I’ve created about where I planned to go and what the future of WoW held for me, but I have to be realistic and honest too.  I’ve not even talked about the nice weather coming and how my time indoors will no doubt reduce even more or looked at it from paying for something I’m not playing.  But that’s because in the grand scheme it’s just another grain of sand.

At the end of the day it’s my face, my character, and my values that I see in the mirror before I go to bed.

22 thoughts on “Error 404

  1. mataokashaman April 14, 2012 / 10:09 pm

    My dad always said parenting is the most important job in the world given to amateurs. It is so important. If you keep on writing, about any topic, I will continue to read.

    I have a lot more to say, but let’s just say the human behind the pixels completely, totally, absolutely understands. Blessings upon your family!

    • JD Kenada April 14, 2012 / 10:20 pm

      Thanks for the kind words. You’ve got my e-mail and can always touch base with me there.

      But yes, I very much plan to continue writing. There’s still all those cries for more short stories that I haven’t addressed!

      • mataokashaman April 15, 2012 / 6:31 pm

        I plan on it, good sir! And very interesting and creative twist for the next round of MM!

  2. khizzara April 14, 2012 / 10:28 pm

    Of course your family and other responsibilities should come first, and it’s completely understandable that there are other things you need/want to do right now. It’s funny how WoW is such a social experience that it’s possible to feel like you’re letting other people down if you stop playing it, but you really do have to do what’s right for you. My only regret is that I only just met you through Mog Madness, and now it feels like you’re leaving (even though I’ll continue to follow your blog).

    Just remember that you do need some “me time”, even if what you do with that time isn’t WoW. 🙂

    • JD Kenada April 14, 2012 / 11:58 pm

      Mog Madness is totally continuing and I still plan to follow through on what else I had planned.

      I think if you follow the blog, it won’t feel any different. It’s only my guildmates and friends list that will notice a difference come the end of the month.

  3. Sephrenya April 15, 2012 / 5:33 am

    All the very best. It honestly gets easier, but all of a sudden your kids are 17 and you’re thinking to yourself – how do I get back the time I could have had with them before they fly the nest. I think you’re making a great, but incredibly hard and painful decision and I wish you all the very best with your family.

    I used to do all my playing after they had gone to bed, but now I raid 2 or 3 nights a week and tuck them in during a break and they don’t actually want or need me about apart from that. My guild all know that any issues with them come first and are great with it. They appreciate that getting a spider out of my daughter’s room is far more important than killing internet dragons 🙂

    • JD Kenada April 15, 2012 / 6:05 am

      Yeah, it was never a question with other people. Heck even PUGS were understanding if I said baby aggro (if you can believe that these days). For a while I was trying for that hour or two after work but as my wife starts her day early, I need to be up and about by 7 and that meant 5 hours of sleep or less. I’m not young any more. 😀

  4. Cymre April 15, 2012 / 7:41 am

    I’m sorry to hear that JD but I can understand where you’re coming from. I’m glad to hear that at least you’ll still be blogging. Since I’ve stopped raiding and managing a Guild, things have been a lot more relaxed and happier.

    Enjoy your time away from the game and with your family and catch up on that sleep you seem to be missing too. I’m sure I’ll see you around the blogosphere 🙂

    • JD Kenada April 15, 2012 / 11:37 am

      You can most certainly count on it. 😀

      …now, back to that results post I’m working on…

  5. tomeoftheancient April 15, 2012 / 8:54 am

    I applaud your decision and certainly understand it JD.

    I was very happy however to hear you’ll still be here. I was getting nervous wondering where I’d find songs for my playlist! As Matty said the connection to other bloggers we feel really has nothing to do with a game but the person writing it.

    • JD Kenada April 15, 2012 / 11:38 am

      That’s exactly why I made mention of the blogging community. You’re all too darn awesome to walk away from. I mean, a game sure, but great people are harder to come by. 😉

  6. The Godmother (@AlternativeChat) April 15, 2012 / 11:20 am

    Glad you will still be here, it would be a shame not to have you to read, as you are one of my most-loved parts of the Blogsphere. Always remember to enjoy yourself, whatever you do 😀

    • JD Kenada April 15, 2012 / 11:39 am


      See? I can’t walk away with such a grandioso reputation! Actually, by NOT playing I will have to get more creative in my topics and discussion.

  7. kamaliaetalia April 15, 2012 / 2:42 pm

    Bravo to you for recognizing these things and acting upon your realizations. I’ll look forward to whatever you continue to write about, even if new posts from you come much less frequently.

    • JD Kenada April 15, 2012 / 2:55 pm

      I appreciate your support as much as the others. It really does mean a lot.

      As I say, I don’t expect things around here to be much different because I enjoy the writing (and quite honestly I have SO many topics banked).

  8. Erinys April 15, 2012 / 4:24 pm

    To echo everyone else’s comments, I’m glad you intend sticking around.

    • JD Kenada April 15, 2012 / 5:48 pm


      Thanks so much.

  9. Karegina April 16, 2012 / 9:20 pm

    I have always said to myself that if I was ever lucky enough to bear a child, I would put aside my Wow addiction to raise that child. Like you said, you don’t want the TV to babysit your child(ren) and I don’t want to be that one mom that you only see the back of her head, unless you’ve interrupted my game so much that I turn to yell at you.

    I remember sitting next to my Grandmother when I was younger, watching her watch her soaps and day time tv shows, with her glasses of wine. I remember, later, watching my father sit at home, watching tv and movies after work. More content if my brother and I would just sit there and OH MY GOD JUST BE STILL FOR 5 MINUTES PLEASE!!!

    I had such plans for my own children. I would raise them with almost no tv. Or at least, no current tv. They would learn music and we’d hike and spend time outside doing science (bitches).

    I am so happy for you, and I will miss you so much in game. But, you said you’re not stopping blogging, so there is that. And, showing the world to a little life is so so so much more important then killing internet dragons.

    I’m so glad that I got to spend some time with you, if it is only 2 months. 😀

    • JD Kenada April 16, 2012 / 10:28 pm

      Wow, there’s some heart-string pulling right there.

      Thanks so much.

  10. Effraeti April 17, 2012 / 11:02 am


    I almost missed this announcement in all the bustle and distraction of the past few weeks. D:

    I just want to say bravo for making the hard decision, and putting the important things first.

    Also, I know you and I spend the majority of our interactions swapping sarcasm and piognant musical retorts, but I want you to know I see your modesty beneath it and I commend you for being unafraid to be a “nice guy” and a great person. 🙂

    ~ Effy

  11. alepicoli April 17, 2012 / 1:13 pm

    All the best, JD! Though decision. But real life > WoW, always. Good luck at the other side of the screen 🙂

    • JD Kenada April 17, 2012 / 2:46 pm

      I appreciate it!

      As I say, not leaving here by any stretch. The ‘Mog is strong in this one! lol

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